Containers in the plentyShop LTS template

Approximately 70 containers are available on the different pages and views of the plentyShop LTS template plugin allowing you to replace existing content or display additional content. The content provided by other plugins can be integrated in the following areas of the online store:

  • Header and footer of the page

  • Homepage

  • Other content pages

  • Category view

  • Single item view

  • Shopping cart and shopping cart preview

  • Checkout

  • Order confirmation page

List of containers

Find a list of all containers in the table below:

Template & Scripts

Container key Container name Description



Add style to Ceres with a theme plugin


Override style

Override the default CSS file of Ceres


Register/load JS

Register scripts, events and other JS related items


After scripts loaded

Load scripts, events and other JS related items, e.g. Vue components, after frameworks and scripts have been initialised

Static pages

Container key Container name Description


Cancellation rights

Add additional content on the cancellation rights page


Cancellation form

Add additional content on the cancellation form pages


Legal disclosure

Add additional content on the legal disclosure page


Privacy policy

Add additional content on the privacy policy page


Terms and conditions

Add additional content on the terms and conditions page


Page not found

Add additional content on the 404 page


Container key Container name Description


Override homepage

Override the complete homepage


Container 1

Replace the image slider of the homepage


Container 2

Replace the upper item preview of the homepage


Container 3

Replace the lower item preview of the homepage


Container 4

Replace the first category preview of the homepage


Container 5

Replace the second category preview of the homepage


Container 6

Replace the first list of items of the homepage


Container 7

Replace the third category preview of the homepage


Container 8

Replace the fourth category preview of the homepage


Container 9

Replace the second list of items of the homepage


Container 10

Add additional content on the homepage


Payment method container

Add a logo of the payment method to the payment methods on the homepage


Shipping method container

Add a logo of the shipping method to the shipping methods on the homepage


Certified container

Add a Certified by logo to the container on the homepage

Header of the page

Container key Container name Description


Left header container

Add content to the container on the left in the header


Search: Override the search bar

Override the search bar in the header

Container key Container name Description


Row 1 container

Add content to the first row of the footer


Row 2 container

Add content to the second row of the footer


Row 3 container

Add content to the third row of the footer

Single item view

Container key Container name Description


Before price

Add content before the item price in the single item view


After price

Add content after the item price in the single item view


Before Add to shopping cart button

Add content before the Add to shopping cart button in the single item view


After Add to shopping cart button

Add content after the Add to shopping cart button in the single item view


Additional content after Add to shopping cart button

Add additional content after the Add to shopping cart button in the single item view


Add detail tabs

Add additional tabs to the tab menu in the single item view


Add content to detail tabs

Add content to the detail tabs in the single item view


Override image carousel

Override the image carousel on the single item.


Single item: After scripts loaded

Load scripts, events and other Javascript related items, such as Vue components, after frameworks and scripts have been initialised on the single item view.


Single item: Styles

Load CSS in the head after all other styles have been loaded.


Container for item lists

Add item lists in the single item view


Container for customer feedback

Add item lists in the single item view

Shopping cart

Container key Container name Description


Before Value of items

Add content before the value of items in the Total column of the shopping cart


After Value of items

Add content after the value of items in the Total column of the shopping cart


Before Shipping

Add content before the shipping costs in the Total column of the shopping cart


After Shipping

Add content after the shipping costs in the Total column of the shopping cart


Before VAT

Add content before the VAT in the Total column of the shopping cart


After VAT

Add content after the VAT in the Total column of the shopping cart


Before Total

Add content before the total sum in the Total column of the shopping cart


After Total

Add content before the total sum in the Total column of the shopping cart


Shopping cart items list: Before item

Add content before the item in the item list of the shopping cart


Shopping cart items list: After item

Add content after the item in the item list of the shopping cart


Before the Coupon input field

Add content before the Coupon input field in the shopping cart


Before Checkout button

Add content before the Checkout button in the shopping cart


After Checkout button

Add content after the Checkout button in the shopping cart

Shopping cart overlay

Container key Container name Description


Extend buttons

Add additional buttons to the shopping cart overlay. Note that the class btn btn-primary is used for rendering the container in the style of the other buttons.

Shopping cart preview

Container key Container name Description


Before Checkout button

Add content before the Checkout button in the shopping cart preview


After Checkout button

Add content after the Checkout button in the shopping cart preview


Container key Container name Description


Override checkout

Override the complete checkout page


Override address controls

Override the invoice and delivery address controls in the checkout


Override invoice address control

Override the invoice address control in the checkout


Before invoice address

Add content before the invoice address control in the checkout


After invoice address

Add content after the invoice address control in the checkout


Override shipping address control

Override the shipping address control in the checkout


Before shipping address

Add content before the shipping address control in the checkout


After shipping address

Add content after the shipping address control in the checkout


Override shipping method

Override the list of shipping methods in the checkout


Before shipping method

Add content before the list of shipping methods in the checkout


After shipping method

Add content after the list of shipping methods in the checkout


Override payment method

Override the list of payment methods in the checkout


Before payment method

Add content before the list of payment methods in the checkout


After payment method

Add content after the list of payment methods in the checkout



Add content to opt-in checkboxes in the checkout


Before basket totals

Add content before the basket totals in the checkout


After basket totals

Add content after the basket totals in the checkout


Override Order now button

Override the Order now button in the checkout


Before Order now button

Add content before the Order now button in the checkout


After Order now button

Add content after the Order now button in the checkout


Address field container

Add content, e.g. one or multiple custom address fields, at the bottom of the address form


Checkout: After scripts loaded

Load scripts, events and other Javascript related items, such as Vue components, after frameworks and scripts have been initialised in the checkout.


Checkout: Styles

Load CSS in the head after all other styles have been loaded.

Order confirmation page

Container key Container name Description


Override order confirmation

Override the complete order confirmation page


Before order details

Add content before the order details on the order confirmation page


Additional shipping information

Add additional shipping information to the order details on the order confirmation page


Additional payment information

Add additional payment information on the order confirmation page


Override gross/net prices

Override the gross/net prices on the order confirmation page


Add content after totals

Add content after totals on the order confirmation page


Add content before 'Back to Homepage' link

Add content before the 'Back to Homepage' link on the order confirmation page

My account page

Container key Container name Description


Additional payment information

Add additional payment information after the order information on the My account page

Category item list

Container key Container name Description


Before prices container

Add content before the prices in the category item view


After prices container

Add content after the prices in the category item view


Container below side navigation

Add content below the side navigation bar in the category item view


Container key Container name Description


Container below the buttons

Add content below the buttons in the login view. Note that the class btn btn-primary is used for rendering the container in the style of the other buttons.


Container in a row with the buttons

Add content in the login overlay. Note that the class btn btn-primary is used for rendering the container in the style of the other buttons.

Registration overlay

Container key Container name Description


Container in a row with the buttons

Add content in the registration overlay. Note that the class btn btn-primary is used for rendering the container in the style of the other buttons.

Containers on the homepage

The plentyShop LTS homepage provides multiple containers which can be used to replace the content of the default homepage or add more content to the homepage. Find an overview of the homepage containers below:

ceres homepage containers

Using containers in the template

Following the tutorial above, we have learned about the plugin providing the data for our template. Now, you will learn how to use containers in template plugins.

Container entry point

The entry point of a container is defined in the plugin.json file of a plugin.

"containers"        :
            "key"           : "Homepage.Certified",
            "name"          : "Homepage: Certified container",
            "description"   : "Add an icon to the certified by container on the homepage",
            "multiple"      : false

The containers key stores an array of values that consist of a key, a name and a description representing our containers. The content provided by our data provider, the Placeholder plugin, is linked to the container in this template plugin.

key specifies the container. name and description are texts for the plentymarkets back end.

multiple is an optional property that defines whether multiple data providers can provide content for this container. Set it to false if you want to display the content of the first data provider only.

Container macro

The content to be displayed in a container is processed by the show() function in a macro. This macro is stored in the LayoutContainer.twig file. With the help of this macro, you can also access objects in layout containers, e.g. the item object in the SingleItemView.twig template.

{% macro show( containerName, object ) %}
    {% if object == null %}
        {% for content in container(containerName) %}
            {{ content.result|raw }}
        {% endfor %}
    {% else %}
        {% for content in container(containerName, object) %}
            {{ content.result|raw }}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

Container in the template

Our Certified by container is integrated into the template of plentyShop LTS using the following code.

{% import "Ceres::PageDesign.Macros.LayoutContainer" as LayoutContainer %}


{% set certifiedContent ="Ceres::Homepage.Certified") %}
{% if certifiedContent|trim is not empty %}
    <div class="services-certificate m-b-1">
        <strong class="services-title">{{ trans("Ceres::Template.generalCertifiedBy") }}</strong>
        {{ certifiedContent }}
{% endif %}

A Twig function sets the variable certifiedContent. The variable is equal to the content of the Homepage.Certified container defined in the plugin.json file.

The title of the container is displayed using the {{ trans("Ceres::Template.generalCertifiedBy") }} variable. The text for this variable is stored in the file.

The {{ certifiedContent }} variable is used to display the content provided by our Placeholder plugin below the title.

Objects in containers

By using the LayoutContainer.twig macro, we can access objects in layout containers. We specify the object as a parameter in the container and can make use of all the information of the current object.

{{"Ceres::SingleItem.BeforePrice", item.documents[0].data) }}
{% if ('item.recommendedPrice' in itemData or 'all' in itemData) %}
    <div class="crossprice" v-resource-if:currentVariation="documents[0].data.calculatedPrices.rrp.price > 0">
        <del class="text-muted small" v-resource-bind:currentVariation="" :filters="['currency']">
            {#{{[1].price | formatMonetary(item.variationRetailPrice.currency) }} TODO get correct currency#}
            {{ item.documents[0].data.calculatedPrices.rrp.price | formatMonetary(item.documents[0].data.calculatedPrices.rrp.currency) }}
{% endif %}

Here, we specify the item object as the second parameter of our layout container. This allows us to use the information saved in the object for further processing, e.g. for calculating the instalments of certain payment methods.

In addition to the Item object, other objects can be used in different layout containers. The Order object, for example, can be used in several containers on the order confirmation page.

{{"Ceres::OrderConfirmation.AdditionalPaymentInformation", services.customer.getLatestOrder().order) }}

Here, we specify the order object as the second parameter of our layout container. This allows us to use the information about the latest order saved in the object for further processing.

Additional tabs in the single item view

In order to add your own information in an additional tab in the single item view, you can use two containers. The first container SingleItem.AddDetailTabs is used for displaying one or multiple additional tabs in the view of an item in the plentyShop LTS online store. The second container SingleItem.AddDetailTabsContent displays your content within the first container. For each container, an individual data provider is required.

<li class="nav-item">
    <a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#my-custom-tab" role="tab">Custom Tab</a>

Our tab is a li element with the class nav-item. If more tabs are required, further list items can be added here. In the href attribute, we provide a link to our tab content.

<div class="tab-pane" id="my-custom-tab" role="tabpanel">
    <div class="m-y-2">
        Enter Custom Tab content here...

In a second Twig file, we enter the content for our tab. Our container has the same ID, that is referenced in the previous code example, e.g. id="my-custom-tab".