How to work with assignments

Assignments are options you can give to a source field. They are interpreted by the export and return a different result depending on the settings.

An example are names, which can exist in multiple languages and where the field will contain a select where the customer can choose a language.


Every assignment needs to extend the base assignment BaseAssignment.

  • namespace: Plenty\Modules\Catalog\Services\UI\Assignments\Elements\Base;

When extending the base assignment, all you need to do is define the properties you actually need.


The types that are currently supported are available via constants if you extend the base assignment class:

const TYPE_CHECKBOX = 'checkbox';
const TYPE_DATE = 'date';
const TYPE_NUMBER = 'number';
const TYPE_OPERATOR = 'operator';
const TYPE_SELECT = 'select';
const TYPE_TEXT = 'text';
const TYPE_TOGGLE = 'toggle';

Example assignment

For our example, we will build a language assignment of the type select. This assignment can be added to a field and it will be represented in the UI as a select, allowing you to choose between 3 languages. By default, each getter method returns the appropriate property. If you need to have an expression in one of the properties you just need to define the method that returns that property instead - like in the getLabel() example. The values default to an empty Values container. If you need values, just instantiate your own container and add the values in the order you want them to be displayed.

class LanguageAssignment extends BaseAssignment

    protected $key = 'language-example';
    protected $defaultValue = 'en';
    protected $type = self::TYPE_SELECT;
    protected $visible = true; // defaults to true in base
    protected $required = false; // defaults to false in base

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getLabel(): string
        return 'Language'; // In a real example, you would use the translated label like below.
        // return trans('catalog::assignments/language.label');

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getValues(): UIValuesContract
        $values = pluginApp(Values::class);

            ->add( pluginApp(SelectValue::class)->setCaption('English')->setValue('en') )
            ->add( pluginApp(SelectValue::class)->setCaption('German')->setValue('de') )
            ->add( pluginApp(SelectValue::class)->setCaption('Romanian')->setValue('ro') );

        return $values;

Registration in an export field

There are the following two types of assignments:

  • general

  • specific

General assignments

Some assignments are already pre-defined, such as the language selection. Instead of building an entire assignment, you can register its key in the settings property and the catalogue will pre-fill the assignment for you.


In a FieldGroup that you previously registered to your ExportType’s getFieldGroupClasses you should already have your fields. To register the assignment on a field, define a new key called "settings" whose value is an array of strings, where the strings are the keys of the general assignments.

    'fieldId' => 'id',
    'fieldType' => 'int',
    'type' => SingersMapping::KEY,
    'key' => 'id',
    'label' => 'Id',
    'settings' => ['lang']              <---------
    'fieldId' => 'firstName',
    'fieldType' => 'string',
    'type' => SingersMapping::KEY,
    'key' => 'firstName',
    'label' => 'First Name',
    'settings' => ['value', 'lang']     <---------
    'fieldId' => 'lastName',
    'fieldType' => 'string',
    'type' => SingersMapping::KEY,
    'key' => 'lastName',
    'label' => 'Last Name'               this one has no assignments

Export assignments

Export assignments are custom assignments that can be used by the export builder. The getAssignments function can be added in the Export type (e.g. SingersExportType) with the details about your assignment. Note however that, if the key is the same, this will be overwritten by the template assignment. Thus, if a template developer defined a "gender" key on another assignment, that template assignment has priority.

use Plenty\Modules\Catalog\Services\UI\Assignments\Assignments;

 * @return Assignments
public function getAssignments(): Assignments
      $container = pluginApp(Assignments::class)


      return $container;

If you want to modify an assignment that you previously registered in the settings, you can do so in the customSettings key.

use Plenty\Modules\Catalog\Services\UI\Assignments\Assignments;

    'fieldId' => 'firstName',
    'fieldType' => 'string',
    'type' => SingersMapping::KEY,
    'key' => 'firstName',
    'label' => 'First Name',
    'settings' => ['value', 'lang'],
    'customSettings' => pluginApp(Assignments::class)->add(
      pluginApp(MyLanguageAssignment::class)//<-- import class

Specific assignments

Registering a specific assignment is just as easy as modifying a general assignment. All you need to do is register its key in the settings and then define it in the customSettings.


use Plenty\Modules\Catalog\Services\UI\Assignments\Assignments;

    'fieldId' => 'firstName',
    'fieldType' => 'string',
    'type' => SingersMapping::KEY,
    'key' => 'firstName',
    'label' => 'First Name',
    'settings' => ['value', 'lang', 'gender'], <-- register it here
    'customSettings' => pluginApp(Assignments::class)->add(
        pluginApp(GenderAssignments::class) //<-- import class

We are currently in the process of changing the assignments to build them as objects. Consequently, the registration will change in the future.