Adding log functionality to your plugin

In this tutorial, you will learn how to integrate log functionality in your plugin.

Step 1: Cloning the ToDoList plugin

We will extend the functionality of the ToDoList plugin by integrating a log function. We then use this log to retrieve certain information.

The ToDoList plugin structure

Below, you find an overview of the existing structure of our ToDoList plugin.

    ├── resources/
    │   ├── css/
    │   │   └── main.css
    │   │
    │   ├── js/
    │   │   └── todo.js
    │   │
    │   └── views/
    │       └── content/
    │           └── todo.twig
    ├── src/
    │   ├── Contracts
    │   │   └── ToDoRepositoryContract.php
    │   │
    │   ├── Controllers/
    │   │   └── ContentController.php
    │   │
    │   ├── Migrations/
    │   │   └── CreateToDoTable.php
    │   │
    │   ├── Models/
    │   │   └── ToDo.php
    │   │
    │   ├── Providers/
    │   │   ├── ToDoServiceProvider.php
    │   │   └── ToDoRouteServiceProvider.php
    │   │
    │   ├── Repositories
    │   │   └── ToDoRepository.php
    │   │
    │   └── Validators
    │       └──ToDoValidators.php
    ├── plugin.json // plugin information
    └── // additional files (Readme, license, etc.)

Step 2: Extending the plugin structure

In order to integrate the Loggable trait, we have to make changes to the following existing files. We also have to create two new folders with two new files:

  • Extend the CreateToDoTable.php.

  • Create the resources/lang/en and resources/lang/de folder and add the respective file to each one.

  • Extend the ToDoServiceProvider.php.

  • Extend the ContentController.php.

Extending the CreateToDoTable

In order to log the creation of a to do table, we need to enter the functionality in the CreateToDoTable.php file. This example shows a simple log; you can find a reference type log below.


namespace ToDoList\Migrations;

use ToDoList\Models\ToDo;
use Plenty\Modules\Plugin\DataBase\Contracts\Migrate;
use Plenty\Plugin\Log\Loggable;

 * Class CreateToDoTable
class CreateToDoTable
    use Loggable;

     * @param Migrate $migrate
    public function run(Migrate $migrate)

        $this->getLogger("CreateToDoTable_run")->debug('ToDoList::migration.successMessage', ['tableName' => 'ToDo']);


We add use Plenty\Plugin\Log\Loggable and $this→getLogger("CreateToDoTable_run")→debug('ToDoList::migration.successMessage', ['tableName' ⇒ 'ToDo']).

After the dependency injection in line 7, employ the getLogger() method in line 14 to introduce the log. In line 23, employ getLogger; it automatically identifies the integration key, in this case the plugin namespace. In the getLogger() method, you have to specify the log identifier for display in the back end. In this example, this is the class CreateToDoTable with the added method run. As an alternative, you can use a php magic method, e.g. METHOD or FUNCTION.

The employed log level is debug. In the debug method, the first parameter is the path to the message (which will be provided by the file in the next step), the second parameter can provide additional information, in this case, the table name.

Creating the translations

To display messages in all selected languages, we have to set these up in the correct file structure.

  1. Create the resources/lang folder.

  2. Create the en sub-folder.

  3. Create a sub-folder for any language you want to add, e.g. de for German.

  4. In each folder, create a .properties file that will contain all the translations, e.g

  5. Add the following code.

successMessage = "Table created"
createToDoInformation = "Task created"

Extending the ToDoServiceProvider

We have to boot a reference container in the ToDoServiceProvider to store the reference type and value.


namespace ToDoList\Providers;

use Plenty\Plugin\ServiceProvider;
use ToDoList\Contracts\ToDoRepositoryContract;
use ToDoList\Repositories\ToDoRepository;
use Plenty\Log\Services\ReferenceContainer;
use Plenty\Log\Exceptions\ReferenceTypeException;

 * Class ToDoServiceProvider
 * @package ToDoList\Providers
class ToDoServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider

     * Register the service provider.
    public function register()
        $this->getApplication()->bind(ToDoRepositoryContract::class, ToDoRepository::class);

    public function boot(ReferenceContainer $referenceContainer)
        // Register reference types for logs.
            $referenceContainer->add([ 'toDoId' => 'toDoId' ]);
        catch(ReferenceTypeException $ex)

We introduce the reference container and reference type exception classes in line 8 and 9. Then we boot a reference container in line 28 to use in the ContentController.

We want to log the id of a to do task, so we use the add function to provide a toDoId in an array. If needed, you can add more data.

We employ try and catch to make sure the reference type isn’t used yet. If it is used, this will result in an exception. To avoid this, choose a specific reference type.

Extending the ContentController

The ContentController manages the creation, update and deletion of our to dos. In order to log the creation of a new to do, we have to enter the necessary code here.


 namespace ToDoList\Controllers;

 use Plenty\Plugin\Controller;
 use Plenty\Plugin\Http\Request;
 use Plenty\Plugin\Templates\Twig;
 use ToDoList\Contracts\ToDoRepositoryContract;
 use Plenty\Plugin\Log\Loggable;

  * Class ContentController
  * @package ToDoList\Controllers
 class ContentController extends Controller
     use Loggable;

      * @param Twig                   $twig
      * @param ToDoRepositoryContract $toDoRepo
      * @return string
     public function showToDo(Twig $twig, ToDoRepositoryContract $toDoRepo): string
         $toDoList = $toDoRepo->getToDoList();
         $templateData = array("tasks" => $toDoList);
         return $twig->render('ToDoList::content.todo', $templateData);

      * @param  \Plenty\Plugin\Http\Request $request
      * @param ToDoRepositoryContract       $toDoRepo
      * @return string
     public function createToDo(Request $request, ToDoRepositoryContract $toDoRepo): string
         $newToDo = $toDoRepo->createTask($request->all());

             ->setReferenceType('toDoId') // optional
             ->setReferenceValue($newToDo->id) // optional
             ->info('ToDoList::migration.createToDoInformation', ['userId' => $newToDo->userId ]);

         return json_encode($newToDo);

      * @param int                    $id
      * @param ToDoRepositoryContract $toDoRepo
      * @return string
     public function updateToDo(int $id, ToDoRepositoryContract $toDoRepo): string
         $updateToDo = $toDoRepo->updateTask($id);
         return json_encode($updateToDo);

      * @param int                    $id
      * @param ToDoRepositoryContract $toDoRepo
      * @return string
     public function deleteToDo(int $id, ToDoRepositoryContract $toDoRepo): string
         $deleteToDo = $toDoRepo->deleteTask($id);
         return json_encode($deleteToDo);

We use the the Loggable class as in the CreateToDoTable.php file. To ensure that we log the creation of the to do, we have to enter the code in the createToDo, after the task has been created, but before the return. As above, enter the identifier or a magic method. Set the reference type and value as in the service provider - in this case, the ID of the to do - and store both in the reference container. Choose a different log level, e.g. info. You can offer additional information in an array; in this example, we provide the userId of the task creator.

Conditions for log messages to be displayed

Log messages have to fulfill certain conditions to be shown to the customer in the plentymarkets back end:

  • Log codes must have translations. If no translation is provided the log message will be ignored.

  • Log codes must be activated in the Log settings back end. Logs that are not activated will be ignored.

  • The above conditions do not apply if the log level is set to error, critical, alert or emergency

Using the Reportable trait

There are certain cases where we need to display logs even if they are not activated in the Log settings back end, e.g. at the end of every order import process to let users know how many new orders were imported or skipped.

For these cases we use the Reportable trait. This one is similar to the Loggable trait described above.


 namespace ToDoList\Controllers;

 use Plenty\Plugin\Controller;
 use Plenty\Plugin\Http\Request;
 use Plenty\Plugin\Templates\Twig;
 use ToDoList\Contracts\ToDoRepositoryContract;
 use Plenty\Plugin\Log\Reportable;

  * Class ContentController
  * @package ToDoList\Controllers
 class ContentController extends Controller
     use Reportable;


      * @param  \Plenty\Plugin\Http\Request $request
      * @param ToDoRepositoryContract       $toDoRepo
      * @return string
     public function createToDo(Request $request, ToDoRepositoryContract $toDoRepo): string
         $newToDo = $toDoRepo->createTask($request->all());

         $this-report('ContentController_createToDo', 'ToDoList::migration.createToDoInformation', ['userId' => $newToDo->userId ], ['toDoId' => $newToDo->id]);

         return json_encode($newToDo);


See what you did there

To see the log functionality at work, you have to go to your plentymarkets back end. There, you go through the following steps:

  1. Go to Data exchange » Log.

  2. Click on Configure.
    → The log configuration window will open.

  3. Select the ToDoList plugin.

  4. Select a time from the Duration drop-down menu.
    → This is the time for which the plugin will be logged.

  5. Select a log level from the Log level drop-down menu.

  6. Save the settings.

In choosing a log level, you set the minimum level to be triggered; any higher level occurrence will be triggered as well. If you choose debug, the lowest level, every event that occurs will also be logged. If you choose critical, only critical, alert, and emergency will be logged. You can find a detailed description here.

Finally, you can log your newly created tasks in your back end.

  1. Enter in your browser to open the ToDoList plugin.

  2. Enter one or more tasks.

  3. Return to your plentymarkets back end.

  4. Go to Data exchange » Log.
    → Find the logs to the tasks you just created.

logging backend

Log structure

This code shows the Loggable trait in the ContentController.php file.

     ->info('ToDoList::migration.createToDoInformation', ['userId' => $newToDo->userId ]);

The following table contains explanations of the individual code elements.

Element Description

Integration key

The Loggable trait automatically identifies the plugin it is used in and displays the namespace under Configure and Integration in the menu Data exchange » Log in the plentymarkets back end.


The identifier will be shown under Identifier in the menu Data exchange » Log in the plentymarkets back end. In our example, it is ContentController_createToDo.

Reference type (optional)

This part has to be clearly defined and as specific as possible to avoid doublings. In case of a doubling, the try and catch method in the ServiceProvider will throw an exception. We chose toDoId.

Reference value (optional)

Add the specific value for the reference type, In our example, we store the ID of the new task using $newToDo→id.

Debug level

The chosen debug level, in our example info.


This element uses the key-value pairs from the file, in this example, the createToDoInformation key. It is shown under Code in the plentymarkets back end.

Additional information (optional)

After the code element, you can add further information. In this example, we have chosen ['userId' ⇒ $newToDo→userId ] to get the ID of the user who created the to do task.

Available log levels

In this table, find all the available log levels and explanations of the individual level.

Level Description


Report information. Will always be logged without prior log key activation.


Detailed debug information


Interesting events


Normal but significant events


Exceptional occurrences that are not errors


Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically be logged and monitored


Critical conditions


Action must be taken immediately


System is unusable